Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Walk over Blawith Fell

Looking down on the Tarn from the Beacon
Blawith Fell
Situated at the north of the Furness peninsula Blawith is one mile south of Coniston Water and stands at the western side of the Crake Valley. Torver and Blawith Commons extends from the lower slopes of Coniston Old Man to the shores of Coniston Water.
The importance of the geology and the mire habitats has led to extensive areas of the Torver and Blawith Commons beening designated as Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
Vegetation ranges from heather moorland to rough grassland with numerous bogs.

Beacon Tarn

A point of interest is Beacon Tarn a calm and peaceful spot to relax before the short climb up to the Beacon a fabulous viewpoint with 360-degree views and a near full view of Coniston water and over the Old Man Range.

The name Blawith means wolf and incidentally rumour has it the last Wolf killed in England was slain at Humphrey Head in Southern Cumbria.

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